The Feelings Club: Evaluating a School-based Intervention for Children at Risk for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT00164203

Femme et Homme

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Anxiety and mood disorders are among the most prevalent mental health problems in childhood. They have severe long-term morbidity, and associated academic and social impairment. Building on the investigators' experience with outcome evaluation in clinically anxious or depressed children, they propose to evaluate within the school system a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) intervention for children in grades 3 to 6 with elevated symptoms of anxiety or depression on standardized questionnaires. The participant's outcomes will be compared with those of similar children randomly assigned to an activity control group. Hypothesis 1a): Children in the intervention condition will show greater symptom reduction relative to children in the control condition (primary outcome: anxiety symptoms). Hypothesis 1b): Children in the intervention condition will show fewer symptoms during follow-up relative to children in the control condition. Hypothesis 2: Children with anxious or depressive symptoms treated in the school setting using CBT have a lower risk of developing internalizing disorders within 1 year of treatment than children in a control condition. Hypothesis 3: Self-esteem, anxiety and depression-related impairment, and academic functioning will improve more in intervention participants than in controls. Hypothesis 4: School characteristics, child age, and attitudes of participating personnel are predictive of treatment response.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Anxiety,depression
