Parent-son-provider Decision-making About HPV Vaccination

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01284374

Woman and Man

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The objectives of this study are: 1. To better understand factors associated with acceptance and refusal of HPV vaccine among parent-son pairs and the process of parent-son decision-making with respect to vaccination. 2. To evaluate health care providers (HCPs) attitudes, implementation intentions, and planned communication strategies with respect to HPV vaccination of adolescent boys. Hypothesis 1: Sons will have a significant role in the process of parent-son decision-making about HPV vaccination. The relative importance of this role will increase with the son's age. Hypothesis 2: Pediatric HCPs will be unsure about vaccinating males and will lack knowledge about issues related to male HPV infection and vaccination.

Inclusion criteria

  • Human Papillomavirus Vaccination
