To Examine the Effect of a View of Nature on Patient's Stress and Anxiety

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01667705

Woman and Man

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- Rationale: Recently, research that demonstrates a clear relationship between the built healthcare environment and the health and wellbeing of patients has come available. Patients in a CT scan suite are usually anxious. The environment has been shown to lower stress; a painting or piece of art for example, can capture and hold attention and thereby lower negative thoughts and evoke positive emotions. Sights of nature have demonstrated to be especially effective in recuperating from stress, presumably because the human brain has evolved in a natural environment. The current study will investigate the effects of exposure to nature in the CT scan suite. A SkyCeiling, a large, slightly illuminated, photographic illusion of a real sky view is placed above the CT scan. The main hypothesis of this study is that a sky view will lead to a lower level of anxiety in the CT scan suite. - Objective: The primary objective of this study is to examine the effect of a view of nature on a patient's stress and anxiety. Secondary objectives are to study the effects of a view of nature on a patient's environmental appraisals of the CT suite, satisfaction with the provided service, and trust in the healthcare provider.

Inclusion criteria

  • Stress,Anxiety
