Effect of overdenture with vital and non-vital abutment teeth

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: ISRCTN10675141

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Background and study aims Overdentures are dentures that are supported by the natural teeth on either side of them. These surrounding teeth are referred to as abutment teeth. Unlike conventional dentures, overdentures cannot be removed from the mouth by the patient. Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to treat an infection in the centre (root canal system) of a tooth. Also referred to as endodontics, the treatment involves removing the infected soft tissue of the tooth (the pulp) and filling the root canal with a dental filling. As the pulp of the tooth has been removed and there is no longer a blood supply to the tooth, the tooth is considered dead, or non-vital. Non-vital teeth can be more fragile and more likely to break than vital (live) teeth. This study looks at the effect of overdentures over vital and non-vital abutment teeth on teeth stability. Who can participate? Men aged at least 59 years and in need of overdentures. What does the study involve? Participants are randomly allocated to one of two groups. Those in group 1 are given overdentures supported by vital abutment teeth. Those in group 2 are given overdentures supported by non-vital abutment teeth. Attachment loss and teeth mobility are then assessed after 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after treatment. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? The study has many benefits for patients including being less expensive and invasive and increasing the level of satisfaction and quality of life. Where is the study run from? The Dental Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Azhar University-Assiut Branch in Egypt When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? December 2013 to February 2015 Who is funding the study? Albaha University (Saudi Arabia) Who is the main contact? 1. Professor Khalid Arafa (public) 2. Dr Waled Ahmed (scientific)

Inclusion criteria

  • Implant overdentures
