Chloroquine for Malaria in Pregnancy

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT01443130

Femme Homme

  • | Pays :
  • Malawi
  • | Organes :
  • -
  • | Spécialités :
  • -


The purpose of this study is to test prevention strategies for pregnancy-related malaria. Researchers will compare different malaria treatments and treatment schedules which include chloroquine therapy (weekly doses versus being dosed twice during pregnancy for 3 days each time) to the standard practice of preventive treatment intervals in pregnancy (with the drug sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine given twice during pregnancy). Participants will include 900 pregnant women, who will be assigned to one of three treatment groups. Blood samples will be collected at every visit before birth and any time the participant is ill to determine if malaria is present. Pregnant women will be monitored during pregnancy and newborns will be assessed at birth and followed until about 14 weeks. Participant involvement in the study is expected to last about 12 months.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Malaria
