Mu Opioid Receptor Genes, Remifentanil, and Pain Sensitivity

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01878006

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Background: - Small differences in genes may alter responses to drugs. One gene that has different forms is the mu opioid receptor gene. People with one form of this gene are more sensitive to alcohol. People with a different form are sometimes more sensitive to pain. Morphine and other prescription pain pills produce pain relief by acting at the mu opioid receptor. Researchers want to see how well a drug called remifentanil can help determine sensitivity to pain. Remifentanil is a strong but short-acting pain medication that is sometimes used for anesthesia during surgery. The study will test how much the drug causes the pupils to constrict. Objectives: - To see if remifentanil can help determine pain sensitivity. Eligibility: - Individuals between 21 and 55 years of age who are taking pain pills that were prescribed to treat pain from a medical or dental procedure. Design: - This study has a screening phase and a study phase. The screening phase involves one or two visits of 5 to 6 hours. The study phase is one outpatient visit that will take about 3 hours. - Participants will be screened with a medical and psychiatric history and physical exam. They will be asked about drinking and drug-taking history, and any family history of alcoholism or drug abuse. Blood, urine, and breath samples will be collected. - During the study session, participants will test their sensitivity by placing one hand in cold water. Pupil diameter will be measured before and after the sensitivity test. - After a blood sample is taken, participants will receive the remifentanil. The sensitivity test will be repeated. Final blood samples will be collected. A brief physical exam will also be performed. - Participants will stay in the clinic until the effects of the drug have worn off. - About 1 week after the study session, participants will have a follow-up phone call.

Inclusion criteria

  • Polymorphism-genetic,pain,Allelic Frequencies of Genetic Markers
