Interventions to Increase HBV Vaccinations in Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinics

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT00739752

Femme et Homme

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The goal of this study is to evaluate interventions to increase acceptance of, and follow through with, hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination in patients attending sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics. The 1st specific aim is to assess the effect of message-framing on vaccine acceptance. Framing theory suggests that positively framed messages (i.e., benefits of getting vaccine) are more effective than negatively framed messages (i.e., dangers of not getting vaccine) in stimulating preventive health behaviors. Research on Framing Theory and engagement in health behaviors suggests also that the effects may be moderated by other attitudinal factors, including perceived risk of the behavior and degree of involvement in the message. The 2nd aim is to evaluate the effect of provider-based interventions. Prior research suggests that recommendations by health providers are very important in patients' decisions regarding acceptance of health care procedures. The 3rd aim is to examine the effect of the interventions on follow-through with the 2nd & 3rd dose. Patients (18 years and older) will be recruited and followed from Chicago and Indianapolis STD clinics during routine medical visits. An audio computer-assisted self-interview (A-CASI) will cover demographics, risk behaviors, and perceived risk associated with vaccination. Subjects then will be randomized to receive a gain-framed, loss-framed, or information only message regarding HBV immunization (also delivered by A-CASI). Upon completion of the message-framing intervention, subjects will complete additional attitude questions via A-CASI. In addition, a randomly selected 50% of subjects will be asked questions regarding their intention to accept free HBV vaccination, enabling us to examine the effects on behavior of asking intention. Upon completion of the A-CASI subjects will be randomly assigned to one of two provider intervention conditions: 1. vaccine offered or 2. vaccine recommended. For both conditions free HBV immunization will be provided by a nurse practitioner. Subsequently, postcard reminders will be sent and phone call reminders made for follow-up appointments for those receiving the first and second doses of vaccine. The primary outcome measure is number of HBV vaccine doses received.

Critère d'inclusion

