Natural History of Pain After Shoulder Arthroplasty Conducted With Multimodal Analgesia

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT03021096

Femme et Homme

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This study aims to identify the timeline of pain following total shoulder replacement with the goal of developing data for a subsequent randomized trial. The investigators believe that with using HSS's current protocol, many patients have postoperative pain that is no worse than their preoperative pain. Previous HSS anesthesia protocols for total shoulder arthroplasty patients have not formally followed patients past their hospital discharge, and the investigators believe that some patients do experience moderate to severe subacute postoperative pain. Therefore, this study's primary outcome is to look at the numeric pain scores at 14 days after surgery. Future studies will look at measures of preventing bruising and subsequent pain after shoulder replacement.

Critère d'inclusion

  • TSA,Bruise,Pain, Postoperative
