Oxaliplatin and Capecitabine With or Without an Hepatic Arterial Infusion With Floxuridine in Treating Patients Who Are Undergoing Surgery and/or Ablation for Liver Metastases Due to Colorectal Cancer

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT00268463

Femme et Homme

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RATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as oxaliplatin, capecitabine, and floxuridine, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. Hepatic arterial infusion uses a catheter to carry tumor-killing substances, such as chemotherapy, directly into the liver. Giving chemotherapy in different ways may kill more tumor cells. It is not yet known whether giving oxaliplatin and capecitabine together with an hepatic arterial infusion with floxuridine is more effective than giving oxaliplatin and capecitabine alone in treating patients who are undergoing surgery and/or ablation for liver metastases due to colorectal cancer. PURPOSE: This randomized phase III trial is studying oxaliplatin, capecitabine, and an hepatic arterial infusion with floxuridine to see how well they work compared to oxaliplatin and capecitabine in treating patients who are undergoing surgery and/or ablation for liver metastases due to colorectal cancer.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Colorectal Cancer,Metastatic Cancer
