Perifollicular Vascularity Assessment in in-Vitro Fertilization

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT00458380

Femme Homme

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On February 2004, a law (n. 40/2004) regulating assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs) was approved in Italy. This law aimed to regulate the treatment of infertility in Italy, contains several restrictions, such as the prohibition to fertilize more than three oocytes and the obligation to transfer simultaneously all embryos obtained. Several evidences showed that the outcome of the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques is strongly correlated with quality of transferred embryos (choosing the right embryos). Furthermore, this prerequisite is actually illegal in Italy, and an optimal oocyte selection can be considered as the only one crucial factor in the determining the outcome of the IVF cycle (choosing the right oocytes). Experimental data have demonstrated that perifollicular blood flow assessment is a good marker of oocyte competence, embryo viability, implantation potential, and subsequent pregnancy rate. The purpose of this study will be to evaluate in a clinical setting whether the assessment of the perifollicular vascularity is a feasible and useful procedure for the selection of oocytes with the best developmental potential in IVF programs when only a limited number of oocytes can be fertilized.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Infertility
