Study of the efficacy and safety of Kalinox 170 bar for the performance of care procedures in children with burns "Estudio de la eficacia y tolerancia del Kalinox 170 bar en los cuidados para el tra...

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : EUCTR2006-002698-38

Study of the efficacy and safety of Kalinox 170 bar for the performance of care procedures in children with burns "Estudio de la eficacia y tolerancia del Kalinox 170 bar en los cuidados para el tratamiento de ninos quemados

Femme et Homme

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To assess the efficacy of Kalinox® 170 bar, over a period of three consecutive care procedures in burned children with lesions are at an advanced stage of epidermisation, allowing to consider the realization of the care except general anaesthesia

Critère d'inclusion

  • analgesia for short-time painful procedures