Comparison Between Return and Wastage of Your Own Blood, Collected During Spinal Surgery, for Verification of Safety When Returning Blood

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01251042

Woman and Man

  • | Country :
  • Denmark
  • | organs :
  • -
  • | Specialty :
  • -


The study is an open, randomized, controlled, single-centre study including a total of 42 evaluable subjects scheduled for spinal surgery with an approximate expected bleeding of 800-1500 ml. The Sangvia® Blood Salvage System will be set up for all subjects to collect blood intra-operatively. When the transfusion bag is filled, i.e. when around 500 ml of blood has been collected, the subject will be randomized to either be retransfused with the blood collected (investigational group) or not (control group). The primary objective for this study is to investigate the blood quality and isolate the systemic effects in intra-operatively collected blood. The systemic p-Hb concentration has been chosen as the primary outcome variable based on previous experience and literature and is considered as the major safety concern for the study subjects.

Inclusion criteria

  • Spinal Surgery
