Misoprostol Dose and Timing Before Surgical Abortion at 13 to 16 Weeks' Gestation: a Randomized Trial

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT02279914

Femme Homme

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This study is a blinded randomized trial to compare two different doses and intervals of buccal misoprostol for cervical preparation before surgical abortion at 13 to 16 weeks' gestation: 400 mcg administered 3 hours before D&E (dilation and extraction), and 600 mcg administered 1.5 hours before D&E. Primary objective: To compare operative times after two different doses and intervals of misoprostol using a non-inferiority design. Secondary objectives: To compare the doses and intervals of misoprostol for differences in: (1) initial cervical dilation; (2) need for mechanical dilation and ease of dilation if required; (3) ability to complete the abortion procedure without further cervical preparation; (4) complications; (5) provider variables including ease of procedure and satisfaction with cervical preparation; (6) patient variables including pre-operative side effects, post-operative pain, and acceptability

Critère d'inclusion

  • Abortion, Induced
